Children’s Book Review: The Kissing Hand

The Kissing Hand

This endearing New York Times Bestseller is one of the best children’s books available on the subject of overcoming separation anxiety. Written by Audrey Penn, this delightful story begins with a little raccoon named Chester who is reluctant to go to school for the first time. He would much rather stay in the comfort of his own home with his Mommy Raccoon. Chester is fearful about separating from his mother until Mommy Raccoon passes down the family secret of….The Kissing Hand. Mommy Raccoon explains that each morning she will kiss the palm of Chester’s hand, leaving behind the warmth of her love. When Mommy Raccoon demonstrates by kissing Chester’s hand, he instantly feels her kiss jump off of his palm and rush straight to his heart. Mommy Raccoon explains further that The Kissing Hand cannot be worn off or washed off, but will remain with Chester throughout the day.  The Kissing Hand will make school as cozy as home. If Chester ever feels lonely at school, he can simply press his hand to his cheek and he will once again feel the warmth of his mother’s kiss. At the end of the story, Chester kisses his mother’s hand so that she too will feel comforted while he is away at school. This reassuring and precious story is also beautifully illustrated. It is the perfect book to prepare children for the first day of school or for any type of separation from a parent. This "must read" is a highly recommended addition to your home library.

For additional tips regarding first day of school experiences, see the Little Ones Back to School Special including the article,10 Steps to a Successful First Day at Nursery, Preschool & Kindergarten. Also visit for more award winning children’s books and educational gifts, study skill guides and other valuable teacher tips for children of all ages.

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